oxford commons benefits
Introducing Member Benefits with Oxford Commons Hospitality Company.
For more information, please contact memberservices@thestovallhouse.com.

420 w kennedy blvd. tampa, fl
Oxford Exchange
The Restaurant
- Preferential dining reservations
- Early access to holiday reservations
The Shop & The Bookstore
- Corporate, group, and custom buying services
- Concierge gift buying services
- Custom bulk book orders
Programming & Private Events
- Early access to select programming events
- Priority access to private event space
The Commerce Club
Reciprocity benefits include:
- Full access to The Shaw Library’squiet work space
- Access to book conference rooms
- Access to food service in conference rooms
1001 e cumberland ave. tampa, fl
- Preferential dining reservations
- Early access to holiday reservations
- Priority access to private event space
- Early access to select programming events

600 5th st. south, st. petersburg, fl
The Library
- Preferential dining reservations
- Early access to holiday reservations
- Priority access to private event space
- Early access to select programming events
2545 n rocky point, tampa, fl
Current Hotel
- Matched room rate with The Stovall House guest suites

Oxford Creative Studio
- Priority requests for branding, website,and social media projects